We are lucky enough to have been nominated in all the categories below for this year's awards ❤ We need your help to get to the next stage of the Community Fitness Awards. Please see below information on how to nominate us 😁😁
If you nominate Musical Theatre Fitness, you can choose the following categories: 1. Dance Brand 2021 2. Regional Team/Group Award 2021
If you wish to nominate us as Instructors, you will need to do this on a separate form and pop in the individuals name on the form rather than the business name. You can still use musicaltheatrefitness@gmail.com for the email address.
These are the categories you could nominate the Instructors for if you wish:
1. Felicity Halfpenny: Regional Instructor Scotland Community Fitness Newcomer 2021
2. Zoe Ellis: Regional Instructor South East Community Fitness Newcomer 2021
3. Danniella Jackson: Regional Instructor Wales Community Fitness Newcomer 2021
I've popped each categories information up so you can see if you would like to nominate the business or Instructors for any of the categories.
Any nominations mean the world and we appreciate all the ongoing support from the MTF Family 💜💛
Nominate here 👇👇👇
Thank you to those who have already nominated! 💜💛