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Our classes are detailed below. We also run in person Work It Out classes, check out our locations here. We hope to continue to grow our in person classes with our new franchise.

Tone It Out is a 45 minute strength and conditioning class that is designed to shape and tone postural muscles, build core strength and improve the body's stability. Fusing together Barre, Pilates, Resistance Bands and HIIT, we have created this unique session that is specifically designed to help you get lean, toned and fit. 

Yellow Circle with Tone It Out logo
Work It Out Purple (No MTF).png

OUR MOST POPULAR CLASS: Work It Out is an all-levels 45 minute functional fitness and dance cardio workout that combines the love of musical theatre with a bootcamp HIIT session and dance fitness moves. Tracks range from slow to fast and helps to develop stamina and strength, boost your heart health, help you destress, improve co-ordination and overall fitness, whilst having lots of fun. 

Ever wanted to feel like you are part of a musical or show?

Learn choreography to a chosen musical song. The Instructor will take you through a warm up and then teach you, step by step, an original routine. You will then stretch and cool down at the end. You'll forget you are even working out!

Yellow Circle with Dance It Out Logo
Purple Circle with Stretch it out logo

Stretch It Out is a 30 minute class set to a musical theatre soundtrack which will help to awaken and align your body. Designed for all-levels, this stretch class will allow you to target all muscle groups to help improve joint mobility and muscle flexibility, whilst increasing muscle tone and functional core strength. The class will also help to reduce stress levels and improve mental well-being and bring a sense of calmness to the body.

Tabata training breaks a workout down into clearly defined intervals - typically, 20 seconds of a push-it-to-the-limit exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest. You'll burn an incredible amount of calories and obtain a full body aerobic and anaerobic workout.

Feb 25 online classes insta.png
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